( Metro Bike's CSR Program)
This free seminar is designed to assist you to reflect back, examine, analyse self-
worth and get back on track to decide on the next logical step towards your
next chapter. We endeavour to assist you to:
* Overcome emotional anxieties and challenges
* Accept changes and destiny
* Review lifestyle and make adjustments
*Examine self worth, skills, talent and capabilities
* Be mindshift readiness
* Be confident and brave to move on to new horizons
Event: "MY NEW CHAPTER" Public Talk
Date: 28/9/2019 (Saturday)
Time: 10am - 1pm
Venue: Penang Science Cluster
( Wisma Yeap Chor Ee, 37 Gat Lebuh China, George Town)


We welcome you to join us in this sharing and learning session with experienced
speakers who have gone through this emotional upheaval and stress.
Enquiry and Support Hotline: 019-409 4663 © Metro Bike 2010