Companies maintain efficiency and success through sustainable consolidation of their operations incorporating reorganisation and downsizing exercises whenever a need arises.
In the past couple of decades, reorganisation and downsizing exercises are becoming more frequent felt. It is with this in mind, Metro Bike has drawn up this comprehensive program to assist companies to alleviate arising issues from the reorganisation and downsizing and also to help in the rebuilding and revitalising of companies undergoing such changes, instability period and especially the emotional upheaval of their employees.

Team DevelopmentProgram |
Organization Challenges |
Phase |

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- To assist retrenched or affected employees to overcome psychological fears & anxieties of  uncertainties that lie ahead; and
- To create awareness of survival skills to support domestic challenges and to explore multi-source income opportunities.
- Help to allay frustrations, fears and confusion;
- Have face to face openness and discussions;
- Learn and incorporate positive MINDSHIFT techniques to embrace new endeavours;
- Share similar experiences ie psychological changes, domestic challenges and soul searching;
- Understand basic survival skills and techniques to engage in new endeavours (ie employment or self-employment);
- Create awareness of ‘income opportunity’ avenues; and
- Coaching & mentoring support
Downsizing Phase |

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Objective: Â
Instill individual confidence to gain trust and positive outlook towards organization’s new directions.
- Self-reflections – begin with end in mind;
- Learn the positive MINDSHIFT techniques to remove negativity & anxiety incorporating ‘The Energy Bus’ to remove negativity;
- Adopting positive transformation through stages (i.e. dependency, independency & inter-dependency;
- Putting together new directions and setting new team vision; and
- Building positive team energy with “4C – Positive Team Ladder”
Depression Phase |

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Objective: Â
Identify and remove team behavioural issues at workplace. Rebuilding team relationships.
Recovery Phase:
- Trigger team behavioural issues at workplace;
- Acknowledge team weaknesses;Â and
- Team development activities – 4 stages
- Team forming
- Team storming
- Team norming  (i.e acceptance to work together )
- Team performing (i.e. high team spirit)
Phase |

Objective: Â
To optimize business and operational processes with a rejuvenated team.
- Implement  ‘Wolfpack - Lean’ principles with a powerful team that stay focussed and
- Always ready to aggressively protect and ensure business survival;
- Reduce  waste and redundancy;
- Continuous optimization of business processes & operations; and
- Maximize organization productivity
Phase |
With this program,  Metro Bike hopes to assist companies to reinstill confidence in employees who are retained to be in readiness with the correct attitude, mind-set and focus to be on track to move along with company’s new strategies and for affected employees to move on well to their next destiny.
Enquiry and Support Hotline: 019-409 4663 © Metro Bike 2010